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Warlords of Draenor Stats
With Crit being on gear much more often in WOD are there any plans for making Crit better for Elemental with no reforging?
A) Where did you get that Crit will be on gear much more often? B) We're considering some changes, but nothing to announce yet.
Will tertiary stats appear on PvP gear in WoD? Sockets etc. are supposed to appear randomly, though, so...
We're talking about it still. If PvP gear doesn't have it, then PvE gear becomes better by default.
Wish we could chose our tertiary stats on PvP gear, kinda like reforging but for 100% value...
Keep in mind that tertiary stats are intended to be very rare. So, whatever the PvP design, the rarity would match PvE.
What about removing Spirit and let Haste be the main factor of mana regen? Throwing ideas around. @Celestalon
Spirit's value varies significantly between classes. One contributor is what the other secondaries do for regen.
We're looking at potential changes in that regard, to standardize that better between classes.
What will you do with hit, exp etc in 6.0? Convert to other stats or just remove them?
Convert them to other stats.
What about Spirit? On clothes? On Jewelry? Some DPS casters are using them on rings/neck at least.
No spirit on armor may involve increasing the amount of spirit on non-armor. That makes it more complex to change existing armor. We recognize the problem and are planning potential solutions, but aren't ready to give specifics yet.
Wouldn't increasing the amount of regen spirit gives instead avoid that issue?
That may be part of it, but we may change how we itemize non-armor pieces. Just complicates the issue.
If healers have enough regen with 1-2 spirit pieces in first raid tier, what happens to mana regen later on?
"Enough" is a very ethereal concept. It also varies with other gear. And definitely not from 1-2 items in the first tier.
Then between 3 and 6 (of 7) slots. If item stats triple again, will only need max 2 spirit pieces in final tier. Also, sockets.
Sounds like you're ignoring the fact that "enough" changes between tiers.
Warlords of Draenor PvE
... or the difference between LFR/normal/hc/mythic could also be a tad lower, like 10 itemlevels instead of the current 13.
A larger gap between tiers allows us to have bosses that test performance more. It also makes upgrades "feel" noticeable.
you know how battle rez will work in normal/heroic? 3 regardless of size like current flex?
We're investigating some possible solutions. We want to make it scale by size, but know that breakpoints are not the answer. It ...
... may be an opportunity to solve some other problems with the system, like # available being hidden, and the # being the same ...
... on short vs long fights. We don't have details to share yet, but those are concerns we're thinking about. May not fix all those
Why not go GW2 sPvP style? They made it all skill based and still rewarding. Cooler looking gear as you progress.
The Trial of the Gladiator is our plan for a "gearless" PvP ecosystem. 0% chance we're removing gear in PvP overall.
Any chance PvP trinket will have a unique sound in the near future?
Excellent idea. Thanks for pointing it out.
Definitely a great idea!
Well, the proper authorities have been notified!
ok death grip bugs on tolviron and shado pan for over a year now 100% chance when target is next to a wall. Why are you ignoring it
We'll have to follow up on it. It requires geometry and collision work. We've discussed it before.
Please encourage pvp participation in random bgs with CP, 100 when you win and 50 when you lose. I hate Arenas and Rbgs.
I could see doing something similar to what we do in RBGs (base on final score). Would have to give it more thought.
winning one awarded 5,6 or 7, losing takes you 14
Aware of MMR issues. We've been doing some work on the system but it isn't appropriate to roll it out mid season.
Zvejkyn 13.01.2014 02:12
GW2 jsem měl možnost hrát dva měsíce a jakožto absolutního PVP laika/nuba mě zrovna tenhle aspekt hry tady vážně bavil. Pokud to bude převedeno do WoW určitě to bude pro mě další velký plus celýho datadisku
barrny 09.01.2014 08:15
Takže se zruší všechny atributy jako - hit, expertise atd. No jednodušší to wowko už ani být nemůže
Montesqq 08.01.2014 16:29
Stačilo by, aby jenom se conquesty sčitaly do capu, když jeden týden nestihneš + aby se ti zvedli conquesty za BG, když máš 15K cap. Vážně hledat někoho uprostřed season, aby ti pomohl cca 150 winy. V aréně je dost na pytel..
Javorovej 08.01.2014 15:06
Přesně, dost lidí šlo na GW2 kvůli systému pvp...bohužel, Arenanet toho nevyužil a veškeré vyladění pvp mu trvalo a dlouho si hrál jen s pve obsahem, sem am něco upravil v pvp, přidal nový bg (který měl stejný styl - Capture and hold), zase dost pro pve, změny pro wvw, zase pve, zase pve, něco málo pro pvp...
mortty 08.01.2014 15:02
No, co ja viem, tak vela Wow PvP hracov preslo do GW2 hlavne kvoli tomu systému.
Wrent 08.01.2014 13:21
sean 08.01.2014 13:07
Jestli blizz udela ten system z GW2 tak to bude jejich smrt.
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