Máte rádi spoilery? Tak to je pro vás tento článek to pravé. Datamineři totiž vytáhli ze hry obrovské množství dialogů a monologů, které mnohdy poukazují na velmi zajímavé dějové linky! Ty se týkají především přijetí nových ras do řad Aliance a Hordy a mapují příběhové pozadí, v rámci něhož ke spojenectvím dojde.
Jelikož je textů obrovské množsví, bylo by překládání do češtiny velmi časově náročné. U dialogů s důležitým příběhovým dopadem proto připojuji krátké shrnutí ve smyslu "o čem je řeč". A pokud byste si u některých konkrétních promluv nebyli jisti, co znamenají, neváhejte se zeptat v komentářích, ráda vám je přeložím.
Další dialogy naleznete na WoWheadu.
Příběhově významná NPC
- Turalyon a Alleria, Magni Bronzebeard, Sylvanas, Lor'themar Theron, Grand Magister Rommath, Baine Bloodhoof, Khadgar, Anduin, Nathanos, Mathias Shaw, Chief Telemancer Oculeth
- Mix všeho možného. Některé promluvy zde jsou obtížněji pochopitelné, protože chybí reakce ostatních NPC, která jsou v dané situaci přítomna. Hodně těchto situací je ale rozepsaných v částech věnovaných jednotlivým spřáteleným rasám.
Rozhovor na ambasádě Hordy
- V podstatě jen úvodní rozhovor vůdčích osobností Hordy, které se domlouvají, které spřátelené rasy by se mohly připojit k Hordě a proč.
Void elfové
- Alleria se dává dohromady s Void elfy.
- Alleriina návštěva Silvermoonu, která nedopadne dobře. Tyto dialogy jsou (v mírně odlišné a detailnější podobě) rovněž v části věnované Nightborne.
Lightforged draeneiové
- Spojenectví Lightforged s Aliancí.
- Alleria a Thalyssra navštěvují společně s Lor'themarem a dalšími Sluneční studnu. Alleria omylem způsobí, že se Sluneční studnu pokusí napadnout síly Prázdnoty (Void). Nebezpečí se podaří zažehnat, ale krvaví elfové už nadále nechtějí s Allerií nic mít. Zato Thalyssra a Nightborne jsou přijati do řad Hordy.
Highmountain taureni
- Na Mulgore si dělají zálusk síly Starých bohů. Jmenovitě jejich služebník, který se kdysi snažil dobýt Highmountain. Highmountain taureni pomáhají hrozbu zažehnat a přidávají se k Hordě.
Uuna (non-combat pet)
Příběhově významná NPC
Turalyon a Alleria
Turalyon s Allerií si prohlíží své pamětní sochy v Údolí hrdinů (Valley of Heroes). Alleria se rozhoduje k návštěvě své domoviny a tomu, že si konečně musí promluvit se Sylvanas.
<Alleria's eyes drift from the statue's cold stone visage down to the plaque engraved with her epitaph.>
High Exarch Turalyon: It is unsettling to look upon these memorials to our passing.
Alleria Windrunner: Indeed. Sometimes I feel that I have already died twice. Once when we were presumed lost on Draenor, and again when gripped by the shadow of the fallen naaru.
Alleria Windrunner: Perhaps death is the true legacy of the Windrunners.
High Exarch Turalyon: You're anxious. You hide it well... but I know you.
Alleria Windrunner: Like no other, my love.
High Exarch Turalyon: You don't have to go. You don't have to see her.
High Exarch Turalyon: Each of you has a path to follow. If the Light wills that those paths intersect, they will. There's no need to force the hand of fate.
Alleria Windrunner: It is time, Turalyon. I must see my homeland again with my own eyes... and hear from Sylvanas how she could ever wear the mantle of warchief.
Různé Alleriiny promluvy (pravděpodobně po klikání na její NPC)
Yes, of course I still love him. Must you be so nosey?
Sisters are complicated. Especially the undead ones.
My void will consume you... if you ask nicely.
I go missing for all those years and this is how you treat me?
It is a good day for a hunt.
Use every weapon at your disposal.
What news?
We each walk a line. Choose yours.
The shadows can be an ally... if controlled.
Aim true.
We do what we must for those we love.
Keep your gaze fixed on your target.
Turalyon přichází do Stormwindu, setkává se s Anduinem, hovoří o tom, že Lightforged draeneiové jsou nyní Alianci k dispozici.
We all have darkness inside us. It is no easy thing to face.
From this day forth, you are Lightforged.
T'paartos is a bit... unconventional. But he will serve our cause well.
Champion, it is time for us to return to Stormwind. Fareeya, spread the word. The Lightforged now fight for the Alliance.
High King Wrynn. The Army of the Light is pledged to defend the Alliance.
I have fought beside these draenei in the Twisting Nether for a thousand years. You will find no soldiers who are more skilled, or more loyal.
For the Alliance!
Indeed. He is eager to have the Army of the Light fighting on the side of the Alliance. Assemble our forces, captain, and I will make the announcement.
Ah, this is excellent timing, champion. You can see firsthand what it means for a soldier to become Lightforged. Proceed, Fareeya.
It will be done, High King.
This way, champion.
Fareeya, I need a beacon to the Vindicaar.
Victory on Argus was only possible because the heroes of Azeroth fought side-by-side with the Army of the Light.
Many of our bravest soldiers gave their lives for the cause. Those who remain would be proud to join the Alliance.
Among our number are brave initiates about to undertake the arduous path of becoming Lightforged.
It is unsettling to look upon these memorials to our passing.
You're anxious. You hide it well... but I know you.
You don't have to go. You don't have to see her.
Each of you has a path to follow. If the Light wills that those paths intersect, they will. There's no need to force the hand of fate.
Magni Bronzebeard
Magni stále slyší volání Azerothu, které je čím dál hlasitější a zoufalejší. Magni neví, co si počít. Říká, že "přichází bouře" a že musíme rychle přijít na to, jak Azeroth vyléčit.
Magni Bronzebeard: Champion... 'tis good ta see a familiar face in these dark times.
Magni Bronzebeard: Since returnin' from Argus, the cries o' Azeroth have been... overwhelmin'. Such pain...
Magni Bronzebeard: I don't know how ta fix this. Not sure anyone does. But we gotta keep tryin'.
Magni Bronzebeard: The storm's gatherin', $p. If we don't find a way ta heal Azeroth... nothin' else is gonna matter.
Lor'themar Theron
Lor'themar se setkává s Allerií. Vyčítá jí, že přichází na žádost Anduina Wrynna, ne proto, že by se jí stýskalo po domově. Bez velkého nadšení poukazuje na její spojitost s Prázdnotou.
Společně s Allerií a Thalyssrou navštěvují Sluneční studnu.
Z neznámého důvodu dojde k jakési "nehodě" a následné hádce, Lor'themar podotýká, že Alleriina přítomnost představuje pro Quel'Thalas nebezpečí. Řekne jí, ať si jde zpátky do Stormwindu, že Quel'Thalas už není její domov. Zato však přátelsky hovoří s Thalyssrou a vítá ji v Silvermoonu.
Druhá část textu jsou pravděpdobně reakce na klikání na jeho NPC.
What is happening?
Enough! We need to cleanse this corruption before the well is lost!
Lady Liadrin... champion. You are most welcome. As you can see, we have an... unexpected visitor.
I see no need to keep secrets from allies, Alleria. In fact, some new friends of ours are just arriving.
Please, call me Lor'themar. But where are my manners? Allow me to introduce another guest: Lady Alleria Windrunner, a hero of Silvermoon's past.
Nonsense. Whatever you came to say, you may say in front of our guests.
I had hoped your visit was motivated by a love for Silvermoon. Instead, you come at the behest of the Alliance's boy-king. How disappointing.
You doubt my words, yet how can we trust your own? Do you deny that the lords of the Void whisper to you? Did you not surrender yourself to the shadows on Argus?
Whatever she has become, Alleria is a daughter of Quel'Thalas. I will not deny her pilgrimage to our most sacred site. First Arcanist, you and your retinue would be welcome to join us.
Rommath, kindly open the way for us.
Please follow me.
The Sunwell is secure. Your aid was invaluable, Thalyssra. And yours, champion.
Enough! You will leave at once, Alleria. Accident or no, your presence poses a danger to Quel'Thalas. Go back to Stormwind. Silvermoon is no longer your home.
I regret you had to witness that exchange, Thalyssra. This is not how I planned your visit to unfold.
The Horde offers that to you, First Arcanist. Join us. The gates of Silvermoon stand open to you.
Excellent! Lady Liadrin, please return to Orgrimmar and tell the warchief the good news.
Silvermoon will know prosperity again.
The Light of the Sunwell be with you.
What I do, I do for Quel'Thalas.
We find strength in the Horde.
Al diel shala.
We are a nation on the rise.
Never again shall a king reign in Silvermoon.
I greet you on behalf of Silvermoon.
Bal'a dash, malanore.
I proudly serve as regent lord.
We have made many sacrifices.
The rebuilding continues.
The eternal sun still guides us.
The beauty of Eversong endures.
Hair like this does not just happen on its own. It requires constant attention.
Queen's champion or no, I can out-shoot Nathanos any day of the week.
Working for Sylvanas has its... challenges. Being dead has made her even bossier. But, uh... do not tell her I said that.
My eye patch has never switched sides! I mean... who would mix up something like that?
Sylvanas Windrunner
Nejspíš promluvy po kliknutí na její NPC. Zajímavá je především ta, kde říká, že životní síla Azerothu patří Hordě.
State your business to your Warchief.
I trust you will not waste my time.
Come forward.
Greetings, champion.
Our true work is just beginning.
There will be a new future for the Horde.
Serve me well, and you will be rewarded.
Go. I have much to do.
Serve the Horde. Serve me.
We will bring the Alliance to its knees.
I will grow the ranks of the Forsaken. One way... or another.
All will serve the Horde in time.
We will claim what is ours.
The lifeblood of Azeroth belongs to the Horde.
No doubt I am your favorite Windrunner sister... right? Right?
I have taken note of your progress. It seems I may have to send you to Nathanos for remedial training.
Did you think I would not notice the way you leer at my dark rangers? I suggest you keep your eyes--and thoughts--to yourself.
Grand Magister Rommath
Promluvy po kliknutí. Z některých je patrné, že Rommath zjevně ten den snídal chytrou kaši. (Khadgarovy vtípky mají vážnou konkurenci.) Osobně jsem si okamžitě zamilovala jeho hlášku "Kdybyste se všichni radši řídili mými radami, místo abyste se pořád snažili myslet sami za sebe, Azeroth by na tom byl o moc lépe."
Rovněž hovoří o nebezpečí, které představuje Prázdnota pro Sunwell. Viz spor mezi Lor'themarem a Allerií, který bude rozebrán dále. Také říká "Stráže, chopte se toho sabotéra!" a "Něco se snaží otevřít si portál do komnaty. Pokud se to dostane skrz, může se stát, že přijdeme o Sluneční studnu."
Respect our customs.
Do not let outsiders interfere.
Be about your work.
We build our future upon the backbone of tradition.
We have overcome much.
For Quel'Thalas.
It would be unwise to oppose us.
The Sunwell must be protected.
What is it?
Do not squander resources.
I am rather busy.
I serve Silvermoon.
What would you ask of me?
The eternal sun still guides us.
If you would all just do what I say instead of attempting to think for yourselves, Azeroth would be much better off.
Kirin Tor? More like Kirin Snore. Am I right?
Khadgar? More like Badghar. Am I right?
Jaina? More like Paina. Modera? More like... uh... look, you cannot expect me to hit gold every time, okay?
Stay back!
This is why I demanded that Umbric and his radicals be exiled. Anyone who treats with the Void is a danger to the Sunwell!
I advise against it. We cannot trust that she will not--
It wants the Sunwell!
Guards! Seize this saboteur.
Something seeks to open a rift into the chamber. If it comes through, we may lose the Sunwell.
Baine Bloodhoof
Zmiňuje, že Mulgore i Thunderbluff zamořili služebníci Starých bohů. Ujišťuje, že se jich zbaví. Další zajímavá promluva je "Neuvědomil jsem si, že jsem na hodování v Thunder Bluffu pozval draka. Kdybych to byl tušil, připravil bych větší stůl." Z dalších promluv vyplývá, že jde o Spiritwalker Ebonhorna z kmene Highmountain, který je ve skutečnosti černý drak.
Mayla! We must stand together!
Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner, I present Chieftain Mayla Highmountain.
Child of... What does he mean?
Very well. We will drive this Old God filth from Thunder Bluff.
Your masters will not take my city, monster!
I must be certain the Old Gods' minions are driven from Mulgore.
Go to Highmountain and aid Mayla, champion. I will join you soon.
Champion! Graysky told me of your courage.
We will drive your shadow from Mulgore!
Hahahaha! It feels good to swing my mace again!
Thunder Bluff will be free of you!
Go back to the void that spawned you!
I did not realize that I had invited a dragon to feast with us at Thunder Bluff. Had I known, I might have set a bigger table!
I see no reason for anyone else to know, spiritwalker. Let it be a matter kept... between friends.
Warchief, the tauren of Highmountain fought boldly alongside us in our campaign against the Burning Legion, just as our ancestors did long ago.
Thank you for coming, Mayla. It is my honor to welcome you to Mulgore.
It is of kinship that I wish to speak. I hope that--
I know this power all too well. Champion! We need your help!
Until we discover what's behind this attack, Mulgore will never be safe. I will come with you, Mayla. Let us face this darkness together.
The Horde will be honored to welcome you! Let us travel to Orgrimmar and share the good news with our Warchief.
For the Horde!
This way!
Over here!
Look out!
The enemy is all around us!
I have invited their leaders to a great feast in Mulgore. This could be a chance to bring them to our side.
It shall be so, Warchief.
Nehodlá se zapojovat do války Aliance a Hordy. Místo toho se vydá do Karazhanu, aby se poradil s knihami a zápisky Medivha. Doufá, že v nich nalezne odpověď na to, jak vyléčit Azeroth.
It seems our victory on Argus was a hollow one. With his final blow, Sargeras has done much more than bury his blade in the heart of our world.
I had hoped that after the war against the Legion, the people of Azeroth would build a new future together. But now the unity we forged has been shattered.
As the life essence of Azeroth bleeds out, the leaders of the Alliance and Horde scramble to claim it as a resource. Blades are drawn, and the tides of war are rising once again.
But I will not take up arms against heroes on either side. Not after all we've been through.
Instead, I will go to Karazhan and confer with my old mentor, Medivh. Perhaps somewhere in his ancient texts lies the knowledge needed to heal this world.
I had best be going. Until next we meet... fare well, champion.
Champion... I need a word.
Such devastation...
Anduin Wrynn
Přijímá pomoc Lightforged draeneiů od Turalyona. Má menší obavy z Void elfů, ale nemá s nimi problém, dokud budou sekat latinu.
Zajímavé promluvy: "Horda se nezastaví před ničím, aby pro sebe získala životní sílu Azerothu."
"Lady Windrunner, prosím, zahajte pátrání po své vypovězené příbuzné/vypovězeném příbuzném (?)."
The strength of the Lightforged is most welcome in our ranks, High Exarch.
Both these qualities will be needed in the days to come. And thank you for your part in bringing them to our cause, $p.
For the Alliance!
I am eager for the Lightforged to join the Alliance. Turalyon, bring our champion with you to the Vindicaar so that you may address your troops together.
It may take time for these void elves to earn the trust of some in our ranks. But so long as they adhere to your teachings, they are welcome in the Alliance.
You have done us a great service this day, Lady Windrunner, $p. You have my thanks.
For the Alliance!
Welcome, friend $p. I am King Anduin Wrynn. As a new member of the Alliance, I wished to greet you personally.
The Lightforged may be a recent addition to our ranks, but I know the draenei well. I am confident you will embody the dedication and courage of the Army of the Light.
The void elves may be a recent addition to our ranks, but Alleria Windrunner is one of our greatest heroes. Under her tutelage, the powers you wield will aid our cause.
These are troubled times for Azeroth. In the days to come, you will face many trials... fight many foes. Know that you are never alone against the darkness, for the Alliance stands with you.
I look forward to hearing of your progress. Something tells me we will speak again soon.
Safe travels, $p. May the Light be with you always.
Safe travels, $p. Though you walk among the shadows, you are a beacon of hope to us all.
Thank you for joining us, champion. These are dire times indeed.
We all know the Alliance incurred heavy losses in the war against the Legion. And even now, the world bleeds in the aftermath of Sargeras's final strike.
Meanwhile, the Horde musters its forces and arms for war. Their aggression must not go unanswered.
Our future depends on bringing other like-minded allies into the fold. I call upon those of you gathered here for your suggestions.
Thank you, High Exarch. Lightforged soldiers would indeed bring strength to our numbers.
Stormwind has suffered at the hands of those who succumbed to the shadow's whispers. But if others could master its power as you have, they would make formidable allies.
Thank you both for your counsel. I would like to hear our champion's perspective on which of these potential allies we should reach out to first.
Lady Windrunner, please begin the search for your exiled kin. Perhaps our champion here can assist you.
You have seen the devastation in Silithus with your own eyes, $p. You know what is at stake.
The Horde will stop at nothing to claim the lifeblood of Azeroth. I fear that after the war against the Legion, our ranks are too depleted to stave off their aggression.
It is time for the Alliance to bring in new members to join our cause. We have established an embassy in Stormwind to spearhead these efforts. Meet me there.
Nathanos Blightcaller
Mluví o tom, že Gallywix zahájil nějaké operace v Silithu.
$p! The Dark Lady instructs you to meet me in Orgrimmar.
Information has come to light crucial to the interests of the Horde. It is imperative we remain a step ahead of our rivals.
Meet me outside Grommash Hold. Keep this quiet... or the consequences will be swift and severe.
Gallywix has operations underway in Silithus. Get there at once. And if you see any Alliance skulking about, make quick work of them.
Look out!
You. Over here.
Over here!
This way.
Mathias Shaw
SI:7 podle všeho dohlíží na dění v Silithu.
$p, High King Wrynn requests that you rendezvous with me at Stormwind.
We've uncovered certain... sensitive information that he insists you be made aware of.
Find me at Lion's Rest. And needless to say, keep the details of this meeting between us.
We established a makeshift base in Silithus. Check in with our operatives there--and keep your eyes open for Horde aggression.
Champion. Over here.
Over here!
Look out!
This way.
Chief Telemancer Oculeth
These portals are incredibly tedious to sustain, and more importantly, they take attention away from valuable research!$B$BI'm certain with telemancy we can achieve a much more stable solution.
I hear Dalaran has an entire floor dedicated to magical transportation. $B$BImagine the possibilities!
You can use the Orgrimmar portal to meet our newfound allies in their capital city on Kalimdor.
Lacking a need for arcwine, our vintners have converted the vineyards to more traditional options.
I brought samples to dispel the unfounded rumors that our wine tastes too footy... I mean too fruity!
Rozhovor na ambasádě Hordy
Jednotliví vůdci Hordy vysvětlují Sylvanas, proč ta která spřátelená rasa (Nightborne, Highmountain taureni) může být přínosem pro Hordu.
Sylvanas Windrunner: Leaders of the Horde, I summoned you here--along with one of our greatest champions--because our enemies are gathering their strength.
Sylvanas Windrunner: War is coming. We need fresh blood added to the ranks of the Horde. What say you?
Baine Bloodhoof: Warchief, the tauren of Highmountain fought boldly alongside us in our campaign against the Burning Legion, just as our ancestors did long ago.
Baine Bloodhoof: I have invited their leaders to a great feast in Mulgore. This could be a chance to bring them to our side.
Sylvanas Windrunner: A simple people, but strong. They would be a boon on the battlefield.
Lady Liadrin: I too have a suggestion, Warchief. The sin'dorei have maintained diplomatic ties with the nightborne since we helped liberate Suramar from the Legion.
Lady Liadrin: The regent lord and I agree that our kingdoms have much in common. We believe the nightborne would make valuable allies.
Lady Liadrin: Even without the Nightwell, Suramar holds vast arcane resources. A most useful arrow added to my quiver.
Sylvanas Windrunner: Each option would have its uses. I believe $n knows both these peoples. Which potential ally do you suggest we pursue first?
Void elfové
Magister Umbric
Je součástí dějové linky Allerie Windrunner a Void elfů. Nejspíš společně s Allerií navštíví Silvermoon. Očividně si moc nepadl do noty s Rommathem (Rommath o něm ve svých promluvách rovněž hovoří). Mmj. říká následující: "Nejvyšší magistr musí pochopit, že tato síla je pro obranu Silvermoonu zcela zásadní. Sin'dorei už nikdy žádný nepřítel nepokoří!" Jeho experimenty, ať už jde o cokoli, se však nedaří.
Zajímá se o Dar'Khana Drathira, chce získat nějaký jeho výzkum, který podle všeho nějak souvisí s Prázdnotou.
There will be those who doubt you. Who question your resolve, your ability to harness powers that have caused the downfall of weaker wills.
Together, we will prove them wrong.
Alleria Windrunner!? How did... My, what an unexpected honor!
My people and I heard tales of what transpired on Argus. As you might imagine, we have a keen interest in your interaction with the darkened naaru.
Indeed! Like you, we believe the void can be used to defend life rather than consume it. We have made great progress, Lady Windrunner, but many mysteries remain.
Take this cube, for instance. It is an ancient device, perhaps even predating life on Azeroth. It seems to have been locked, and we cannot yet open it.
Rrrrurgaaghh! I feel the power... calling to me... changing me...
Alleria... $p... My people are free, but we have been... changed. And the voices...
My arrogance was nearly our undoing. I dabbled with powers far beyond my control. If you will train us, Alleria, we will follow where you lead.
Silvermoon turned its back on us long ago. Today we are reborn... and it is fitting that we walk a new path. From this day forth, the Alliance has our loyalty.
It will take some time for us to adjust to our new forms. We look forward to your return, Lady Windrunner. And $p... you have our deepest thanks.
Our void experiments are proceeding well. I am certain we are on the cusp of a breakthrough... despite Rommath's smallminded protests.
The grand magister must understand that this power is crucial to the defense of Silvermoon. Never again shall the sin'dorei fall prey to our enemies!
Unfortunately, it seems our research has reached an impasse. I believe there is knowledge at the Andilien Estate that will springboard us forward.
It seems we are not the first of our people seeking to harness the void. I have found notebooks belonging to one whose very name is a curse... Dar'Khan Drathir.
It was Drathir's betrayal that allowed Arthas to corrupt the Sunwell... and left our kingdom in ruins. For the first time, I see why Rommath opposes our course of study.
Nevertheless, I believe this knowledge can be used for good. The bulk of Drathir's research was conducted at Dawnstar Spire. That is where we must go.
Drathir's quest for power led him to seek the fragments of an ancient world, one teetering on the brink of the Void itself.
His notes said it existed within a rift in the very fabric of reality. He never found this place... but I have succeeded where he failed. The way will soon be open to us!
Drathir believed this rift held an ancient object of unspeakable might. Perhaps this will be the key that allows us to gain control over the shadows.
The ren'dorei shall prove our worth.
The Light is not the only path.
We serve the Alliance.
Shadows watch over you.
Be open to possibilities.
Do not bend to the whispers.
Maintain focus and control.
Greetings, traveler.
Bal'a dash, malanore.
The shadows serve us.
We embrace power. We do not fear it.
All paths are possible.
Come with an open mind.
I have much to teach you.
High elf? Please. Why would you want to be a high elf when you can look all tragic and brooding?
I admit, purple was never my favorite color. But lately it's growing on me. Literally.
I suppose I can forgive you for not being a fan of elves. After all, half of us dislike the other half rather intensely.
Alleria and Turalyon? No chance. I mean... not that I am rooting against them or anything, but... Uh, do we have to keep talking about this?
Alleria a Void elfové
At last... the future I foresaw has come to pass. Thank you for opening the way.
Show yourself! Who are you?
Resist the whispers, Umbric! This "gift" you are offered is little more than enslavement.
Rrrrurgaaghh! I feel the power... calling to me... changing me...
Come, $p. We must stop this transformation before my people are lost!
Names are of little consequence. A more interesting question is... What shall you become?
Now, now... no antler stroking on the first date.
We are on the same side, Windrunner... no matter what that traitor has taught you.
Your masters will not enslave me, ethereal... nor will they claim my brothers and sisters!
This void storm is a conduit... a doorway that must be closed.
Why do you resist? You stand on the threshold of a grand destiny.
I see through your lies, Durzaan. So will the others.
No. These people are not yours. They are not lost.
Alleria... $p... My people are free, but we have been... changed. And the voices...
Durzaan tried to tear away your mortality. To make you like him--a slave to his hunger.
But your fate is still your own, Umbric. I can teach you to quiet the whispers. To make the shadows serve you, instead of you serving them.
Nether Prince Durzaan
Bytost Prázdnoty. Snaží se zlákat Allerii na svoji stranu. Má zájem o sílu Sluneční studny.
At last... the future I foresaw has come to pass. Thank you for opening the way.
Names are of little consequence. A more interesting question is... What shall you become?
My people were reshaped by the void. Stripped of the limitations of flesh. We offer you the same gift.
Even shattered as it is, this place echoes with the whispers of the great ones who were slain... and the hatred of he who broke this world.
We are on the same side, Windrunner... no matter what that traitor has taught you.
Why do you resist? You stand on the threshold of a grand destiny.
A pity you remain defiant. The patience of the masters is vast... but not infinite.
A minor setback. What is in motion cannot be undone. Surely you see this.
The void will transform you... awaken what you were meant to be.
Do you not see what we offer? The majesty of chaos... the glory of infinite hunger!
Why do you fight your destiny, Windrunner? Join me and rule by my side!
So be it. Your death is regrettable... but necessary.
I offer freedom. I offer strength. Cast off your mortal shackles.
The transformation... incomplete... must... be... finished...
The vessel has been found!
The door opens. Yes... this should suit our needs.
You only delay the inevitable! I will yet have my prize.
Obecné povídání
The Void. A force of infinite hunger. Its whispers have broken the will of dragons... and lured even the titans' own children into madness.
Sages and scholars fear the Void. Champions of the Light crusade against it. They believe the shadows will doom Azeroth to ruin.
But we understand a truth that they do not. That the Void is a power to be harnessed... to be bent by a will strong enough to command it.
The Void has shaped us... changed us. But you will become its master. You will learn to quiet the whispers. Wield the shadows as a weapon to save our world... and defend the Alliance!
Heritage armor
Throughout your journeys across Azeroth, you have achieved mastery over the forces that constantly seek to control you.
You have become a formidable weapon of the Alliance, $p. Return to the void rift so that we may honor your accomplishment.
Many doubted that the ren'dorei could harness the power of the void without falling prey to its influence. You have proven them wrong.
Let this armor remind you of all you have achieved, $p. Accept it with my thanks.
Připojení k Alianci
My arrogance was nearly our undoing. I dabbled with powers far beyond my control. If you will train us, Alleria, we will follow where you lead.
I sense the powers at your command. They are... considerable. You would make valuable allies of the Alliance.
Silvermoon turned its back on us long ago. Today we are reborn... and it is fitting that we walk a new path. From this day forth, the Alliance has our loyalty.
And in turn, I pledge to aid you on your journey. $p and I will inform High King Wrynn of this news. Then I will return, so that we can begin your training.
It will take some time for us to adjust to our new forms. We look forward to your return, Lady Windrunner. And $p... you have our deepest thanks.
Together, we will prove them wrong.
Obecné povídání
We are soldiers. We have spent our lives training to fight an eternal war against a relentless foe.
Through millennia of struggle, the Light has shown us the true path. It guides us... grants us strength. And in turn, we have been reborn as instruments of its power.
At long last, our enemy has fallen. The Legion is no more. Yet our war is far from over. New threats gather in the shadows, awaiting their moment to strike.
You are Lightforged. You must stand as a beacon of hope against the darkness. But to those who would threaten this world... or attack our allies... you will embody the Light's wrath.
For thousands of years, the Lightforged fought demons in the Twisting Nether. The Xenedar was the only home we knew.
Now, for the first time in ages, we can walk beneath a sky not befouled by the Legion's madness... and feel the earth under our hooves again.
But we must not grow complacent. One war ends, the next begins. Such is the life of a soldier.
Your duty begins in Stormwind. Explore this world of Azeroth. Get to know the people and places we have sworn to defend.
And always walk in the Light, $p.
My fellow soldiers, the trials you have endured are proof that the Light shines bright within your hearts.
One final test remains--and it is the most daunting of all.
It will force you to peer into the very core of what you are. Of what you believe yourself to be.
Many worthy draenei have undergone this trial, only to return broken... or worse.
Should you feel the slightest doubt, turn back now. It will be counted as wisdom, not cowardice.
But if you are truly ready, step forward and embrace your fate.
Heritage armor
Your service to the Alliance has been most impressive, $p. I could not have done better myself. Well, I could... but not by much.
Come, meet with me at the Vindicaar. It is time that we reward your diligence.
Throughout your journeys, you have been a beacon of Light in the darkness. You have shown the Alliance what it means to be Lightforged.
Wear these vestments with pride, $p. The Army of the Light will always be honored to count you in its ranks.
Obecné povídání
For ten-thousand years, Suramar was the only world we knew.
Behind our city's shield, we remained constant... alone... without moonlight... without sunlight. As the ages passed, Azeroth changed around us... and fell into the Legion's grasp.
Our leaders betrayed us, striking a bargain with the demons. But we rose up against tyranny... and drove the devils out. Suramar is ours once more, and we will never again let it fall into darkness.
Our long isolation is over. To secure our people's future, you must help reclaim our place in Azeroth. Venture forth alongside new allies and show the world that the legacy of the nightborne is one of nobility... and strength.
Liadrin a First Arcanist Thalyssra
Společná návštěva Silvermoonu, počátek spolupráce mezi Hordou a Nightborne.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: Greetings, Lady Liadrin, $p. Welcome back to Suramar. I am pleased to receive you under more pleasant circumstances.
Lady Liadrin: It is good to see your city free, First Arcanist.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: For that, we owe you both a great debt. You proved instrumental to our cause.
Lady Liadrin: The Horde was proud to fight by your side against the Burning Legion, my lady.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: I must admit, when I first learned of the Horde, I was skeptical that we would share common ground.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: I thought our kin from Kalimdor would make obvious allies. But their arrogance and mistrust soon proved otherwise.
Lady Liadrin: Arcanist Thalyssra. I remember where your order stood in the War of the Ancients. How do we know you won't betray us and become the next Elisande... the next Azshara?
First Arcanist Thalyssra: We do not intend to be slaves to the Nightwell. We seek to drive the Legion from Suramar and put an end to Elisande's oppression.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: The kaldorei will fight to see the Legion defeated and the Nightwell destroyed. Beyond that... we shall see where Elune's wisdom guides us.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: It would seem "Elune's wisdom" guided her away from the bond we once shared. So be it.
Lady Liadrin: The sin'dorei are also scorned by Tyrande and her prideful lot. Yet for many ages her people slept in dens or hid in trees while my people fought to save this world.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: The Alliance feels too walled off... too cloistered. My people will never endure such stagnation again.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: That is why I am grateful for your invitation to Silvermoon. I would like to inquire whether there could be a place for the nightborne in your Horde.
Lady Liadrin: I am sure the regent lord will be pleased to learn of your interest. Are you ready to depart?
First Arcanist Thalyssra: It would be an honor, Lady Liadrin. Oculeth has the coordinates to your capital. I will gather Silgryn and Valtrois, and meet you in Silvermoon.
Návštěva Sluneční studny
Lor'themar, Alleria, Liadrin a Thalyssra společně navštěvují Sluneční studnu. Velká část rozhovoru už byla zmíněna u Lor'themara, zde jsou však detaily navíc.
Alleria si přeje navštívit Sluneční studnu. Rommath je proti. Lor'themar to neochotně povoluje. Alleria (podle všeho opravdu omylem) způsobí něco, co u krvavých elfů vyvolá velkou nevoli. Sluneční studnu nejspíš nějak naruší síly Prázdnoty. Thalyssra volá své společníky, aby Lor'themarovi pomohli Studnu očistit.
Lor'themar Theron: Lady Liadrin... champion. You are most welcome. As you can see, we have an... unexpected visitor.
Alleria Windrunner: Hello again, Liadrin. Champion. Lor'themar, I am here concerning a matter that might be best addressed in private.
Lor'themar Theron: I see no need to keep secrets from allies, Alleria. In fact, some new friends of ours are just arriving.
Lady Liadrin: First Arcanist Thalyssra and honored guests. Welcome to Silvermoon.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: It is a pleasure to visit your fine city at last. Thank you for extending the invitation, Regent Lord.
Lor'themar Theron: Please, call me Lor'themar. But where are my manners? Allow me to introduce another guest: Lady Alleria Windrunner, a hero of Silvermoon's past.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: An unexpected honor, Lady Windrunner. Silgryn told me of your courage during the campaign on Argus.
Alleria Windrunner: The honor is mine, First Arcanist. I do not mean to intrude upon your visit. Perhaps I should return another time.
Lor'themar Theron: Nonsense. Whatever you came to say, you may say in front of our guests.
Alleria Windrunner: As you wish. I come bearing an offer from High King Anduin Wr--
Lor'themar Theron: I had hoped your visit was motivated by a love for Silvermoon. Instead, you come at the behest of the Alliance's boy-king. How disappointing.
Alleria Windrunner: Cutting words, Lor'themar. Are they yours, I wonder, or has the dutiful ranger I knew become the mouthpiece of your warchief?
Lor'themar Theron: You doubt my words, yet how can we trust your own? Do you deny that the lords of the Void whisper to you? Did you not surrender yourself to the shadows on Argus?
Alleria Windrunner: I seems the offer I bring has been anticipated... and spurned. Very well. But before I leave, I have one request.
Alleria Windrunner: It has been a thousand years since I set eyes upon the Sunwell. May I visit it once again?
Grand Magister Rommath: I advise against it. We cannot trust that she will not--
Lor'themar Theron: Whatever she has become, Alleria is a daughter of Quel'Thalas. I will not deny her pilgrimage to our most sacred site. First Arcanist, you and your retinue would be welcome to join us.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: I would consider it an honor to see the Sunwell, Lor'themar. And I prefer that my friends call me Thalyssra.
Lor'themar Theron: Rommath, kindly open the way for us.
Lor'themar Theron: Please follow me.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: The sense of power is palpable. As potent as the Nightwell, but of a different nature.
Lady Liadrin: The Sunwell was corrupted by our enemies, but a naaru's sacrifice purified its waters. Now the essence of the Light sustains us.
Alleria Windrunner: The Sunwell has changed... but its beauty remains. It has been so long.
Lor'themar Theron: Stay back!
Lor'themar Theron: What is happening?
Lor'themar Theron: This is why I demanded that Umbric and his radicals be exiled. Anyone who treats with the Void is a danger to the Sunwell!
Alleria Windrunner: I did not intend for my presence to...
Lor'themar Theron: Enough! We need to cleanse this corruption before the well is lost!
First Arcanist Thalyssra: Silgryn! Valtrois! Aid the regent lord!
Pokračování událostí u Sluneční studny
Síly Prázdnoty se snaží prodrat k Sluneční studně. Alleria se snaží napravit, co (nejspíš) způsobila. Thalyssra chce rovněž pomoci. Nebezpečí je nakonec zažehnáno, Lor'themar děkuje Thalyssře za její nedocenitelnou pomoc a dohodnou se na spojenectví Nightborne a Hordy. Allerii posílá Lor'themar pryč, aby už nemohla Sluneční studnu ohrozit.
Grand Magister Rommath: Something seeks to open a rift into the chamber. If it comes through, we may lose the Sunwell.
Alleria Windrunner: I can close the rift--but I will need help.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: Tell us what to do, and we will lend our strength.
Nether-Prince Durzaan: The vessel has been found!
Grand Magister Rommath: It wants the Sunwell!
Nether-Prince Durzaan: The door opens. Yes... this should suit our needs.
Alleria Windrunner: Now! Focus your power with mine!
Nether-Prince Durzaan: You only delay the inevitable! I will yet have my prize.
Lor'themar Theron: The Sunwell is secure. Your aid was invaluable, Thalyssra. And yours, champion.
Grand Magister Rommath: Guards! Seize this saboteur.
Alleria Windrunner: I will not be taken prisoner in my own homeland.
Lor'themar Theron: Enough! You will leave at once, Alleria. Accident or no, your presence poses a danger to Quel'Thalas. Go back to Stormwind. Silvermoon is no longer your home.
Alleria Windrunner: As you command, Regent Lord. For now.
Lor'themar Theron: I regret you had to witness that exchange, Thalyssra. This is not how I planned your visit to unfold.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: On the contrary. This conflict has demonstrated your dedication to your people. I can see that the Horde has allowed you to uphold your traditions--something that is very important to us.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: We gain strength from our allies... but we have not lost who we are.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: Suramar will always be our home. But some among my people wish to venture out into the world, to claim our place in Azeroth once again. To do that, we need allies.
Lor'themar Theron: The Horde offers that to you, First Arcanist. Join us. The gates of Silvermoon stand open to you.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: On behalf of the nightborne, I accept your proposal. From this day forth, Suramar fights for the Horde.
Lor'themar Theron: Excellent! Lady Liadrin, please return to Orgrimmar and tell the warchief the good news.
Lady Liadrin: It will be my pleasure, Regent Lord. I will meet you in Silvermoon, champion.
Alleria tenses defiantly.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: Good luck, $p. As for me, I am going to test my skill in Ashenvale. For the Horde!.
Sylvanas a Thalyssra
Lady Liadrin: Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner, this is First Arcanist Thalyssra of Suramar.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: An honor, Warchief. I have fought alongside both Lady Liadrin and the regent lord. Their courage is a credit to your Horde.
Sylvanas Windrunner: Indeed, First Arcanist.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: The Horde embodies strength. Determination. Individuality. Traits we shal'dorei value as well.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: It is time for the nightborne to find allies among the kingdoms of Azeroth. If you will have us, we would be proud to pledge our forces to your cause.
Sylvanas Windrunner: For millennia Suramar stood alone. This day, you become part of something greater. I accept your oath of service, Thalyssra.
First Arcanist Thalysrra: Suramar stands with the Horde!
Suramarský dialog
Greetings $c! New lands and friends await us across Azeroth.$B$BOculeth has portals prepared downstairs once you are ready.
I'm glad to see that Arluelle continues her training, she appears stronger already.$B$BPerhaps I should measure her improvement.
The Duskwatch will do well having Victoire in their ranks once more.
It is a pity the lightforged draenei did not join the Horde, they are quite formidable opponents.
I hope to continue training with Silgryn and Victoire.
"<Arluelle has a faraway look in her eyes.>$B$B
If only my brother could see the city now..."
Spojenectví s Hordou
When our city faced its darkest hour, the heroes of Azeroth fought with us to drive out the Legion. Some did so reluctantly.
But the sin'dorei--the blood elves--showed us respect and understanding. Their kinship proved there were others in Azeroth who share our values.
Heritage armor
You are among the first shal'dorei to venture forth and explore the wilds of Azeroth. But now it is time to come home.
Return to Suramar so that we may thank you for helping our people reclaim a place in this world.
You have shown the Horde--and all the people of Azeroth--that the nightborne possess the will and the courage to defend our world.
I present you with the traditional garb of Suramar. Wear it as a reminder of our ancient past... and the new future we will forge alongside our allies.
Highmountain taureni
Hostina v Thunder Bluffu
Sylvanas Windrunner: Chieftain Bloodhoof, have our champion join you for your feast in Thunder Bluff. By the time dessert is served, I want their oath of loyalty to the Horde.
Baine Bloodhoof: It shall be so, Warchief.
Baine Bloodhoof: Thank you for coming, Mayla. It is my honor to welcome you to Mulgore.
Mayla Highmountain: Your invitation was most kind, Baine. It is time for our two peoples to renew our bonds of kinship.
Baine Bloodhoof: It is of kinship that I wish to speak. I hope that--
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn: I should never... have left... the mountain...
Mayla Highmountain: Ebonhorn! What dark force grips you?
.Mayla Highmountain: I must get Ebonhorn back to Highmountain at once!
Baine Bloodhoof: I know this power all too well. Champion! We need your help!
Bitva o Thunder Bluff
Síly Starých bohů/Prázdnoty napadnou Thunder Bluff.
Baine Bloodhoof: We will drive your shadow from Mulgore!
Baine Bloodhoof: Hahahaha! It feels good to swing my mace again!
Baine Bloodhoof: Thunder Bluff will be free of you!
Baine Bloodhoof: Go back to the void that spawned you!
Baine Bloodhoof: Very well. We will drive this Old God filth from Thunder Bluff.
Uulgyneth: Destroy them! They must not hinder my return!
Baine Bloodhoof: Your masters will not take my city, monster!
Baine Bloodhoof: I must be certain the Old Gods' minions are driven from Mulgore.
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn: Mayla... the pools...
Mayla Highmountain: I understand, my friend. Baine, I must get Ebonhorn back to Highmountain.
Baine Bloodhoof: Go to Highmountain and aid Mayla, champion. I will join you soon.
V Highmountain
Mayla Highmountain: The waters have soothed Ebonhorn, but I fear he is slipping away.
Mayla Highmountain: Ebonhorn is not well. We must find a way to bring him back from the brink. Speak with Spiritwalker Graysky. I believe he can help.
Mayla Highmountain: I will remain here while Graysky aids you. Pray that restoring the wards will mend Ebonhorn's mind.
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn: The whispers... they have stopped. Thank you, champion, Graysky.
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn: My mind is my own again. Return to Thunder Totem, champion. Let us gather strength for what is to come.
Baine Bloodhoof: Champion! Graysky told me of your courage.
Mayla a Spiritwalker Ebonhorn
Taureni se snaží zjistit, o co silám Starých bohů jde. Jejich služebník Uul'gyneth se prý kdysi snažil dobýt Highmountain, ale Huln Highmountain vymyslel plán, díky kterému Uul'gynetha uvěznil. Ten se však nyní vrací.
Mayla Highmountain: But our work is not done yet. Ebonhorn, we must know what this Darkness wants.
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn: Follow me, champion.
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn: Long ago, the Old Gods sought to lay claim to Highmountain. Their campaign was led by a terrible general... Uul'gyneth the Darkness.
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn: Huln gathered heroes from among the tribes to stand together. They fought against Uul'gyneth's servants, the Necrodark... but the forces of shadow were too great to overcome.
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn: So Huln devised another plan. Wards were placed to lock away the Old Gods' influence. Though the general survived, Uul'gyneth's essence was trapped.
Mayla Highmountain: So the Necrodark have been lurking in the shadows, waiting to call forth their master.
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn: Indeed. And when I left the mountain to visit Mulgore, the wards weakened just enough to let the Darkness take hold.
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn: The last ward was placed at Highmountain Summit. That is where we must go. Just as Huln stood with his allies, so we must band together.
Uulgyneth: Yes... come! Your strength will become ours, child of darkness!
Baine Bloodhoof: Child of... What does he mean?
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn: I... cannot say. Mayla, you and I must go on ahead. Baine, you and our champion gather the others and meet us at the summit.
Baine Bloodhoof: Until we discover what's behind this attack, Mulgore will never be safe. I will come with you, Mayla. Let us face this darkness together.
Uulgyneth: This mountain belongs to us, mortals. You will soon become vessels for this world's true power!
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn: These heroes do not stand alone.
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn: Together, we will banish your darkness!
Uulgyneth: You will serve us, dragon, just as Neltharion did! Your kind always bends to the whispers.
Mayla Highmountain: I cannot let the Darkness possess my father's body!
Baine Bloodhoof: Mayla! We must stand together!
Uulgyneth: Serve your true masters, drogbar! Your defiance means death!
Uulgyneth: The Skyhorn shall serve my masters! You will become the shadow that darkens the skies!
Uulgyneth: The Legion was nothing compared to our power! Surrender!
Uulgyneth: You have failed! The Darkness rises... and Highmountain shall fall!
Uulgyneth: The wards have weakened! He will be ours!
Zažehnání hrozby
Baine Bloodhoof: I did not realize that I had invited a dragon to feast with us at Thunder Bluff. Had I known, I might have set a bigger table!
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn: Only Mayla and our champion knew my secret before. Now I entrust it to you as well, chieftain.
Baine Bloodhoof:I see no reason for anyone else to know, spiritwalker. Let it be a matter kept... between friends.
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn: I am free from the Old Gods' grip. Thank you, my friends.
Mayla Highmountain: Today was very nearly a dark day for Azeroth.
Mayla Highmountain: Had Uul'gyneth's plan succeeded, we all would have been made into servants of the Old Gods... including Ebonhorn.
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn: I shudder at the thought, Mayla. Without the swift action of Baine and this champion, all would have been lost.
Mayla Highmountain: Baine Bloodhoof, you have demonstrated courage, honor, and loyalty. I believe it is time for your people and mine to renew our bonds of kinship.
Mayla Highmountain: If you will have us, the tauren of Highmountain would be proud to join your Horde.
Baine Bloodhoof: The Horde will be honored to welcome you! Let us travel to Orgrimmar and share the good news with our Warchief.
Spojenectví s Hordou
Baine Bloodhoof: Sylvanas Windrunner, I present Chieftain Mayla Highmountain.
Sylvanas Windrunner: What have you to say, chieftain?
Mayla Highmountain: Warchief, the strength and courage of the Horde has been demonstrated by Baine Bloodhoof, as well as your champion.
Sylvanas Windrunner: I accept your oath of loyalty. The Horde offers its protection... and expects your obedience.
Mayla Highmountain: From this day forth, Highmountain vows to stand with you against all foes.
Mayla Highmountain: For the Horde!
Sylvanas Windrunner: For the Horde!
Baine Bloodhoof: For the Horde!
Obecné povídání
Highmountain stands.
These words speak of more than earth and stone. They tell the history of our people, enduring hardship and conflict to unite against common foes.
At times we were divided. At times we lost our way. But the spirits of our ancestors reminded us that we are bound together by earth, river, and sky. That we are family, and family is worth fighting for.
The time has come for you to venture beyond our sacred peaks. Carry the stories of our people into a new age of unity with our distant kin. Walk the path that Huln took so very long ago, and bring honor to the name... Highmountain.
For many ages, our people have called the Broken Isles home. We know little about the Azeroth that exists beyond our shores.
It is time we changed that.
Today you begin a new journey, $p. You will be our voice in the lands beyond the mountain.
Go to Orgrimmar. Meet our new allies and learn what it is they care about... what they fight for.
Stay true to who you are. And should you ever miss your home, know that Highmountain is here for you. Always.
Heritage armor
Your sojourn through Azeroth has been long, $p. And through it all, you have brought honor to Highmountain.
Now Thunder Totem calls you home. It is time we thank you for all that you have done for us.
Through the darkest times, you have been strong, brave, unyielding. Thanks to you, $p, the Horde knows what it means to be Highmountain.
It is my honor to present you with the armor of our people. No matter where your journey takes you, it will serve as a reminder of where you came from.
Uuna je non-combat pet. Jde o ducha draeneiského dítěte, které bylo zavražděné na Argu. Such sad, very wow. Připravte si řádnou zásobu kapesníčků.
"I have heard the cries of the child you speak of.
I shall mark you, that you may pass into this realm and seek her out.
She resides in a place where the barrier between the realms of life and death are thin, and spill over into your world.
Be warned, you have no power in this place, it's denizens cannot be harmed by mortals.
Try as you might, you may not be able to aid your friend.
Friend? Are you still there? I'm scared!
I--I can't do it! I just wanna go home!
Uuna wraps her arms around herself and begins to cry.
F-friend, you're here! You didn't leave me!
Mama told me the Light would always find me. That's you, friend. You're my light!
And as long as my light is with me, there's no way the darkness can win!
My light is super strong!
I am ready. Let us begin the ritual.
The darkness is gone! I can see!
Oh, friend! We did it! We beat them!
What... what's happening?
The light... it's telling me to follow it...
Mama! Papa! They're waiting for me!
Wait a sec...
There's so much I never got to do. So many places I never got to see...
Is it okay if I stay with my friend? For just a little while longer?
Friend! The Light says I can stay! Woo-hoo!
Tell Mama and Papa I miss them, and... and I'll see them soon!
Okay, friend, let's get outta here! We have so many places to go!
Uuna hugs you.
Wow! That's the biggest wall I've ever seen!
What do you suppose they wanted to keep out?
Is it bugs? I bet it's bugs. Yuck! I hate bugs!
Wow! That's gotta be the prettiest house ever!
Do you know who lives here? I bet it's a princess.
Do you wanna play princesses with me?
Whoa... a flying city! Are you serious?!
How does it do that?
Do you live here?
Come to think of it... do you live ANYwhere?
Hey, what are those flying things? They're so pretty!
That's a big tower. It's like a... giant birdhouse!
But for lizard birds.
Can I have one for a pet?
Friend, look! We're under a giant tree!
I wonder how many birds live in that tree. Must be so many!
Like... TEN birds!
Caw caw caw caw caw!
I can see everything from here!
I didn't know mountains could go this high!
Don't fall off, friend! I'll be okay if I fall, but you'd go SPLAT!
So be careful, okay?
Where are we? Why is it so smoky?
Look down there. It's all glowing!
But it's moving like water... it's a glowing lake?
That's really silly, friend.
It's... so beautiful...
My people are here! They survived!
They didn't all die on Argus?
Thank you SO MUCH for showing me this, friend!
You've shown me so many neat things. You really are the best friend ever!
I know someday I'll have to go back to Mama and Papa.
But... not yet.
Gaaahhh! No! Help!
Uuna is swallowed by darkness.
There you are! That's much better.
They're gonna be here, soon, friend.
I keep running and running... but they always find me.
But now you're here. Together we can fight them! I think...
Promise you won't leave me, friend. Even when it gets dark...
Friend? Is that you?
I won't give up, friend! I promise!
I'm just so cold, and it's very dark here. I don't know what to do!
It's so dark! I can't see a thing!
Who are you? Can you help me?
Help! HELP!
At least we're together now. We just... don't know where we are.
But you're my friend, and I know it's gonna be okay.
I wish I could see better. It's always so dark here!
It's too bright! Too bright! Owww!
Oh, hi! Who are you? I'm Uuna. Wanna be friends? Maybe together we can get outta this place.
I wish Nuu were here. He'd know what to do.
What's that? A light in the darkness! It's so bright...
It's gotten a little brighter! I can see... sorta.
Nuu-Nuu! I was scared I'd never see you again! How did you get here?
A crown! So pretty!
I used to have a wand like that! Lost it a long time ago.
It's dark again! Where did you go? Don't leave me!
No! Let me go! Help, friend! HELP!
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sw1tchCZ 03.12.2017 21:03
Jako questy super a všechno okolo taky, ale budu salty... Nestrávil jsem skoro celej Legion tim, že jsem pomáhal Nightborne se dostat do toho jejich zpropadenýho města a pomoct jim od závislosti na Nightwellu a Ancient Maně, aby pak jen tak mezi řečí si řekli, že Aliance se jen někde schovává a nějaký další kidy... Jako mrtvý by byli lepší spojenci... Aspoň by byli věrní...
Yuuka 03.12.2017 11:35
Bohužel článek o ničem kdo neumí anglicky tak dobře.
Bellatrix 03.12.2017 14:39
Jak jsem psala na začátku článku - pokud něčemu nerozumíš, stačí se zeptat. Jsem k dispozici na vyjasnění čehokoli nejasného. Na překlad celého článku bohužel nemám časovou kapacitu, nehledě na to, že zas až tolik lidí pravděpodobně kompletní překlad nepotřebuje.
cerberos 02.12.2017 21:46
Škoda že void elfové nebudou u hordy zatracený Lorethmar ! mohl Alerií odpustit tu nedbalost a neopatrnost,jinak tu Uunu toho peta mám,že by další podobný quest jako kdysi v Plaguelands u malé humanky které zemřel otec?
Bellatrix 02.12.2017 22:18
Myslím, že to bude něco v tom stylu.
FlokiEremitt 02.12.2017 13:23
Lady Windrunner, prosím, zahajte pátrání po své vypovězené příbuzné. To bude na Trpajzlíky
Bellatrix 02.12.2017 15:32
Venaborn 02.12.2017 12:12
Ešte niekto je zmetený kedy boli vlastne Void elfovia vyhnaný. Lebo doteraz som si myslel že to bolo možno len pred par mesiacov ( azerotskeho času ).
Lenže pri pripojení k Aliancii Umbric povie: "Silvermoon turned its back on us long ago. " To skôr znie že boli vyhnaný docela dávno.
V jednom video dokonca tvrdili že to bolo hneď po tretej vojne.
Tak vážne neviem čo si mam myslieť.
Bellatrix 02.12.2017 15:32
Spíš mi přijde, že to bylo někdy dávno. Že si Blizzard prostě (jako to občas dělává) uměle vytvoří nějakou "lore bublinu" a prohlásí "jo, před časem tu byla určitá skupina elfů, se kterými se stalo tohle a tohle..."
Zug 02.12.2017 11:46
"No doubt I am your favorite Windrunner sister... right? Right?" - nemůžu se dočkat, až to uslyším na vlastní uši.
Ale jinak jsou její klikací hlášky moc agresivní. Rozhodně v porovnání s Anduinem... Už vidím SoO 2.0. Tohle fakt nepomůže vztahům mezi hráči jednotlivých frakcí.
Ta situace s Alerií je nešťastná, ale dalo se to čekat. Chtěli dát Void elfy jasně Aliance a co je lepšího, jak způsobit incident, který skoro zničil Sunwell. Přece jen ten Void a Light - ze kterého je nyní Sunwell tvořená - se moc nemusí. Smůla no. A její dialog říká, že se Sylvanas se ještě nesetkala... takže žádný Windrunner sis meeting se v nové knize nekoná. Taky škoda. :/
Ale je dobré vidět, že ty scenaria na nové rasy jsou aspoň trochu unique. Resp. víc, jak farmení repky na Argent Tournament grounds.
A nemohl jsem si nevšimnout, že vůbec nic se nezmiňuje o Vereese. To je divné. Teď jenom jestli v tom dobrém nebo špatném smyslu.
A taky moc málo Saurfanga. Měl by mít aspoň jeden dialog se svým super cool hlasem.
Bellatrix 02.12.2017 15:30
Taky mě ty příběhy pro nové rasy dost potěšily. Je vidět, že si na tom dali záležet. Hrozně se na to těším, konečně se zase Lor'themar dostane trošku do popředí Je to zajímavej týpek, jen nedostává prostor. A z toho konfliktu, kterej tam teď mezi všemi těmi různými elfy vznikl, mám strašnou radost. Ne že bych jim to přála, ale příběhově to prostě má parádní potenciál.
Jo, ta Vereesa mě taky zarazila. Akorát mě napadlo, jestli nemůže třeba být tou "ztracenou příbuznou", o které je tam řeč u Anduina. Tedy za předpokladu, že se má jednat opravdu o příbuzného/příbuznou, ne jen o člena stejné rasy.
sw1tchCZ 03.12.2017 20:58
Aby to nebyl ten Umbric... Kdyby to teda bylo jen člen rasy
Bellatrix 04.12.2017 11:39
@sw1tchCZ Vidíš to, to je klidně možný. Damn, a já už doufala v nějakej dramatickej příběhovej zvrat...
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