Item level:
Všetka výzbroj bude mať šancu na to byť Warforged/Titanforged. Itemy majú 0/2 Upgrade level, čo naznačuje, že je možný návrat Valor Pointov a Reforging v neskorších etapách Legionu. Raid Finder: 850+ Normal: 875+ Heroic: 890+ Mythic: 905+Setové bonusy:
Pre Tier 19 budú iba 2/4 kusové set bonusy. V tomto prípade nebude žiaden 6/6 bonus, a to zrejme z dôvodu, že to miesto budeme vyplňovať legendárnymi itemami. Posledný PTR Build nerfuje 4kusový bonus Restoration druidov z 2 % na 1 % - a 4kusový bonus u Shadow priesta zo 6 sekúnd na 4 sekundy - . Death Knight- Dreadwyrm CrownDreadwyrm Crown
- Dreadwyrm ShoulderguardsDreadwyrm Shoulderguards
- Dreadwyrm GreatcloakDreadwyrm Greatcloak
- Dreadwyrm BreastplateDreadwyrm Breastplate
- Dreadwyrm GauntletsDreadwyrm Gauntlets
- Dreadwyrm LegplatesDreadwyrm Legplates
- Mask of Second SightMask of Second Sight
- Shoulderguards of Second SightShoulderguards of Second Sight
- Cape of Second SightCape of Second Sight
- Tunic of Second SightTunic of Second Sight
- Gloves of Second SightGloves of Second Sight
- Legwraps of Second SightLegwraps of Second Sight
- Hood of the Astral WardenHood of the Astral Warden
- Mantle of the Astral WardenMantle of the Astral Warden
- Cloak of the Astral WardenCloak of the Astral Warden
- Robe of the Astral WardenRobe of the Astral Warden
- Gloves of the Astral WardenGloves of the Astral Warden
- Leggings of the Astral WardenLeggings of the Astral Warden
- Eagletalon CowlEagletalon Cowl
- Eagletalon SpauldersEagletalon Spaulders
- Eagletalon CloakEagletalon Cloak
- Eagletalon TunicEagletalon Tunic
- Eagletalon GauntletsEagletalon Gauntlets
- Eagletalon LegchainsEagletalon Legchains
- Hood of Everburning KnowledgeHood of Everburning Knowledge
- Mantle of Everburning KnowledgeMantle of Everburning Knowledge
- Cloak of Everburning KnowledgeCloak of Everburning Knowledge
- Robe of Everburning KnowledgeRobe of Everburning Knowledge
- Gloves of Everburning KnowledgeGloves of Everburning Knowledge
- Leggings of Everburning KnowledgeLeggings of Everburning Knowledge
- Hood of Enveloped DissonanceHood of Enveloped Dissonance
- Pauldrons of Enveloped DissonancePauldrons of Enveloped Dissonance
- Cloak of Enveloped DissonanceCloak of Enveloped Dissonance
- Tunic of Enveloped DissonanceTunic of Enveloped Dissonance
- Gloves of Enveloped DissonanceGloves of Enveloped Dissonance
- Leggings of Enveloped DissonanceLeggings of Enveloped Dissonance
- Helmet of the HighlordHelmet of the Highlord
- Pauldrons of the HighlordPauldrons of the Highlord
- Greatmantle of the HighlordGreatmantle of the Highlord
- Breastplate of the HighlordBreastplate of the Highlord
- Gauntlets of the HighlordGauntlets of the Highlord
- Legplates of the HighlordLegplates of the Highlord
- Purifier's GorgetPurifier's Gorget
- Purifier's MantlePurifier's Mantle
- Purifier's DrapePurifier's Drape
- Purifier's CassockPurifier's Cassock
- Purifier's GlovesPurifier's Gloves
- Purifier's LeggingsPurifier's Leggings
- Doomblade CowlDoomblade Cowl
- Doomblade SpauldersDoomblade Spaulders
- Doomblade ShadowwrapDoomblade Shadowwrap
- Doomblade TunicDoomblade Tunic
- Doomblade GauntletsDoomblade Gauntlets
- Doomblade PantsDoomblade Pants
- Helm of Shackled ElementsHelm of Shackled Elements
- Pauldrons of Shackled ElementsPauldrons of Shackled Elements
- Cloak of Shackled ElementsCloak of Shackled Elements
- Raiment of Shackled ElementsRaiment of Shackled Elements
- Gauntlets of Shackled ElementsGauntlets of Shackled Elements
- Leggings of Shackled ElementsLeggings of Shackled Elements
- Eyes of Azj'AqirEyes of Azj'Aqir
- Pauldrons of Azj'AqirPauldrons of Azj'Aqir
- Cloak of Azj'AqirCloak of Azj'Aqir
- Finery of Azj'AqirFinery of Azj'Aqir
- Clutch of Azj'AqirClutch of Azj'Aqir
- Leggings of Azj'AqirLeggings of Azj'Aqir
- Warhelm of the Obsidian AspectWarhelm of the Obsidian Aspect
- Shoulderplates of the Obsidian AspectShoulderplates of the Obsidian Aspect
- Greatcloak of the Obsidian AspectGreatcloak of the Obsidian Aspect
- Chestplate of the Obsidian AspectChestplate of the Obsidian Aspect
- Gauntlets of the Obsidian AspectGauntlets of the Obsidian Aspect
- Legplates of the Obsidian AspectLegplates of the Obsidian Aspect
Naposledy upravil/a Bellatrix 28.11.2016 v 20:54:27.
Chcete si povídat o World of Warcraft? Připojte se na náš Discord. Rádi vás uvidíme.
jerryk123 01.12.2016 10:40
Ať si proboha najmou nějakého dobrého designera. Poslední dobou to je fakt příšerný.
Kubikula 29.11.2016 14:53
Určitě to bude podporovat v Legion reforge ? Měl jsem za to, že se Blizzard onehdy vyjádřil že tuhle MoP featuru už nikdy ve hře neuvidíme.
Zug 28.11.2016 21:07
Aha. Takže přereskinovaný setovky z LFR. O.O
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