Death Knight
Magma Plated Battlearmor
- Magma Plated Chestguard
- Magma Plated Handguards
- Magma Plated Faceguard
- Magma Plated Legguards
- Magma Plated Shoulderguards
Magma Plated Battlegear
- Magma Plated Battleplate
- Magma Plated Gauntlets
- Magma Plated Helmet
- Magma Plated Legplates
- Magma Plated Pauldrons

Stormrider's Vestments
- Stormrider's Handwraps
- Stormrider's Helm
- Stormrider's Legwraps
- Stormrider's Robes
- Stormrider's Mantle
Magma Plated Battlegear
- Stormrider's Shoulderwraps
- Stormrider's Vestment
- Stormrider's Leggings
- Stormrider's Cover
- Stormrider's Gloves
Stormrider's Battlegarb
- Stormrider's Grips
- Stormrider's Headpiece
- Stormrider's Legguards
- Stormrider's Raiment
- Stormrider's Spaulders

Lightning-Charged Battlegear
- Lightning-Charged Spaulders
- Lightning-Charged Legguards
- Lightning-Charged Headguard
- Lightning-Charged Gloves
- Lightning-Charged Tunic

Lightning-Charged Battlegear

Reinforced Sapphirium Regalia
- Reinforced Sapphirium Mantle
- Reinforced Sapphirium Greaves
- Reinforced Sapphirium Headguard
- Reinforced Sapphirium Gloves
- Reinforced Sapphirium Breastplate
Reinforced Sapphirium Battleplate
- Reinforced Sapphirium Pauldrons
- Reinforced Sapphirium Legplates
- Reinforced Sapphirium Helmet
- Reinforced Sapphirium Gauntlets
- Reinforced Sapphirium Battleplate
Reinforced Sapphirium Battlearmor
- Reinforced Sapphirium Shoulderguards
- Reinforced Sapphirium Legguards
- Reinforced Sapphirium Faceguard
- Reinforced Sapphirium Handguards
- Reinforced Sapphirium Chestguard

Mercurial Regalia
Mercurial Regalia

Wind Dancer's Regalia
- Wind Dancer's Spaulders
- Wind Dancer's Legguards
- Wind Dancer's Helmet
- Wind Dancer's Gloves
- Wind Dancer's Tunic

Vestments of the Raging Elements
- Mantle of the Raging Elements
- Legwraps of the Raging Elements
- Faceguard of the Raging Elements
- Handwraps of the Raging Elements
- Tunic of the Raging Elements
Regalia of the Raging Elements
- Shoulderwraps of the Raging Elements
- Kilt of the Raging Elements
- Headpiece of the Raging Elements
- Gloves of the Raging Elements
- Hauberk of the Raging Elements
Battlegear of the Raging Elements
- Spaulders of the Raging Elements
- Legguards of the Raging Elements
- Helmet of the Raging Elements
- Grips of the Raging Elements
- Cuirass of the Raging Elements

Shadowflame Regalia

Earthen Warplate
Earthen Battleplate

Naposledy upravil/a Wrent 07.11.2010 v 18:45:18.
Chcete si povídat o World of Warcraft? Připojte se na náš Discord. Rádi vás uvidíme.
Saber 19.10.2010 13:13
Pravada staminy je skutecen hodne ale pokd by jste venovali pozornost tomu co rekl Blizz tak by ste se tak nehadali. Podle Blizzu budou mit postavy vyce HP nez tet a heal bude menci k pomeru HP na postave. Toto prohlasil Blizz u zacatku Cataclismu
Kittim 19.10.2010 13:06
To je to o čem mluvím ačkoli né z vlastní zkušenosti. Kámošů mám dost co hráli od vanily a můžou vyprávět jak se daly hrát všechny specky dle libosti
Riko 19.10.2010 13:00
Snake Plisken 19.10.2010 12:57
Riko 19.10.2010 12:56
Ja se tem free serverum ani nedivim ze zustavaji u tBC a nechteji prejit na WotLK, Cata.
Riko 19.10.2010 12:54
Sungo84 19.10.2010 12:52
Kittim ty si uplne mimo prepac...Nerozumiem Blizzu...T11 je totalny omyl na plnej ciare hlavne hlavne tie farby.Druha vec ze je to na teplych humanoch .. cize tie sety budu mozno yvzerat lepsie na inych rasach,inak BIG FAIL!Je to moj osobny nazor,nechcem rozpustat ziadny konflikt.
Kittim 19.10.2010 12:50
Nehral, ale četl a slyšel jsem od kolegy dost a to hrál za rogue
Riko 19.10.2010 12:42
Kittim 19.10.2010 12:40
Nevím co brečíte s HPčkama a s vanilou.Cata ještě není na life serverech a už tady mudrujete...Až to bude a bude to skutečně tak hrozné, pak remcejte.Navíc už mají UI tak vychytané a vy chcete stále vanilu :-)
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