Blizzard zdrojArt
I've been asking to allow us to make uncorrupted orcs for a while. Any chance of that happening???
can't definitively say yes, but it's likely that will be an option in some way. It would be cool to see UO PC in Azeroth
Would it really be that difficult to update the goblin/worgen models? You guys surely still have the original LoDs, right?
I'd like to at some point, they still use our original rigging/animation system. Pandaren introduced new system.
Character / Items
Will [Ai-Li's Skymirror] ever be allowed to copy one's character illusion again? Ex: Grasp from Pre-ZF? An updated WoD version?
Those are fun, but we don't want it to become annoying, and that opens up too many possibilities.
Warlords of Draenor Stats
Will Disc at least be fixed to do double healing from a multistrike crit. Else it is 100% useless stat for Disc.
I think you may misunderstand something. Crits don't do doublehealing for Disc, as a rule. But how does that make MS useless?
Sorry, said that backwards, when a spell crit as Disc procs MS, the MS is just as powerful as non-crit, makes it feel weak
You're misunderstanding Multistrike. The healing of the hit that triggered multistrike doesn't matter. Separate healing roll.
And an MS that crits would trigger Divine Aegis.
I keep seeing promises that the item squish won't affect soloing capabilities, but is this for all characters or only level 90s?
That is to say; the squish won't affect soloing capabilities, but other changes may. Soloing at low levels isn't a balance focus.
Does this mean that we'll start seeing the new stats (possibly mastery even) on gear at very low levels?
Mastery is staying lvl80+. New stats are still being determined, but most likely not available from level 1.
I hope this wouldn't replace Warstomp. I know it's not the best for PvE DPS but great for questing/soloing as a caster druid.
No, we wouldn't replace Warstomp.
That is good news! Are you planning to increase base resilience with the new season?
How big in game scale wise is Ashran? Like are we talking AV big or Wintergrasp big
From base to base is similar to AV but it's wider.
Would you say Ashran is a spiritual successor to AV? Or more like Timeless Isle?
More like AV
back to gear being the major determining factor in PvP success. Guess the accessibility experiment didn't work out?
I don't really see how you came to that conclusion.
dialing back resilience "as much as possible" says bursty PvP and emphasizes PvP power. Sounds like old times 2 me.
In WoD, health pools will be relatively larger and PvP Power is being redefined. It will end up less bursty.
Is this true for low lvl PvP too? Some spells are too potent in heirloom gear. Aimed Shot and Shield Slam can *literally* one-shot.
A lot of spells have base damage which leads to this issue. We're going through these spells to reduce the base damage.
so I was wondering if you guys could start doing realm rankings/leaders instead of region? A lot of friends and I are curious.
We've gotten the request a lot so we'll have to look into it.
"Instead"? Why not "in addition to"?
Certainly what I meant
It also feels lousy to work hard to acquire full grievous gear only to be killed by a dragon slayer in heroic pve gear
Yup, we've mentioned we don't want to end up in this situation again.
but I give you credit in admiting that what occurred was not what you intended.
Certain systems (like warforged and upgrades) that inflate ilevels didn't make much sense for PvP.
PvP not having them meant gear falling further behind.
I've already given you a good solution. Nerf dmg/healing by 65/55% and roll those numbers into a raid wide buff for players who pve
It isn't a good solution for the same reasons base resilience and battle fatigue aren't good solutions.
The entire reason why you needed BF/Resil is because abilities do too much damage/healing.
It's lousy to have a spell hit for 100k against a creature and 20k against a player no matter where you increase/decrease it.
as horde I frequently spend more time in random BG queue then in the actual games. Fix it please. Faction conflict !> fast queues
I wish it could be fixed quickly. I really do.
Warlords of Draenor
Didnt know where to ask. Blizzcon mention quest items gone from bank in WoD. Will my [Amulet of Draconic Subversion] disappear?
Don't know yet. Could be considered a Toy, perhaps. If you still have the quest, may be kept. Very up in the air, know important
Wrent 21.01.2014 11:47
Jikonekt 21.01.2014 11:47
No protoze sem nekde cet, ze chtej pridat jeste jednu PvP sezonu pred datacem a jelikoz jeste ani neohlasili konec sezony stavajici, tak mi vychazi ze opravdu bude datac nejdriv nekdy v srpen-zari, ale muze bejt klidne az pred Vanocema listopad-prosinec... coz je imho pravdepodobnejsi z marketingovyho hlediska.
Kosajz 21.01.2014 11:26
Sto tisíc ty resilky at blizzard rozdá normálně... sezona co sezona to pvp akorat kurvěj...
21.01.2014 10:56
Azgraloth: podle mmo by mnela prvni stredu v unoru zacit cloed beta a prvni stredu v dubnu by mel zacit predprodej, jinak zari bude pekne naprt spis myslim cerven cervenec a i tak to je dost pozde, ku pomeru jak dlouho bude trvat SOO
GocekCZ 21.01.2014 07:13
Radiaw 21.01.2014 05:02
Azgraloth 21.01.2014 00:16
Draculla 20.01.2014 23:44
Ronin 20.01.2014 22:41
nevyte náhodou kdy vyjde slisel sem že už se ví datum ?
Azgraloth 20.01.2014 21:34
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